Saturday, 9 September 2017

Nature day

The other week, the RSPB held a nature day in the local flower gardens. The day was about the nature around the flowers and all the flying creepy crawlies. Now, the little man had great fun running around with a net trying to catch stuff, which mostly included other children and flowers, not so many bugs. However, he got a little bit obsessed with butterflies. 

There was the distinct possibility of tears at one point as we couldn't find any butterflies around anywhere, that was until this little beauty showed up.

I cant remember the name of the thing, but it is apparently the only butterfly to breed up here and didn't actually arrive here until the second world war, when it hitched a lift in a bunch of cabbages. I'm assuming it was the caterpillar that hitched a ride and not the butterfly, but still, technically its an invader and the gardeners aren't really to happy about it, especially the old ones. There were a few storied being told by the parents of pocket money earned by catching the caterpillars/butterflies.

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